Friday, July 15, 2011

28 years ago...

28 years ago today a pregnant woman went to the hospital and they told her she was in labor. She says, "Oh ok, I'll be right back!" Then proceeds to go get a manicure and a pedicure (Can you imagine what the lady at the nail salon must have been thinking!?) After that she went home and cooked meals for her husband so he would have food to eat for the week (God forbid the man is forced to go through a drive-thru)....then she went back up to the hospital and delivered baby at 8:58 pm. (All in a good days work, right!)

Can you guess who this woman is? crazy mother on my birthday!
Mom, you are a superstar!
I think you have done a wonderful job with me, if I do say so myself ;)


DJ said...

Happy birthday! Your mom sounds fabulous - what a great story!

Contina Pierson said...

Diane so rocks! Priorities matter, phooey on the nail salon lady lol

Mary said...

Only Lady Di could do it all with such flair! And look what she got - one of the best gifts she could ever receive - YOU!!!!

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