A year ago today, we arrived at the hospital with
excitement and anticipation of meeting our little baby girl.
A year ago today, she entered our lives and changed it forever.
A year ago today, we started our family.
How was it already a year ago, today?
excitement and anticipation of meeting our little baby girl.
A year ago today, she entered our lives and changed it forever.
A year ago today, we started our family.
How was it already a year ago, today?
Evie's nursery

The day of her arrival:
You entered this world at 11:37 am on Thursday, February 13th at 7 pounds 14 ounces and stole our hearts. I have never felt a love like this before. You made me a momma - you made us a family. It has been a wonderful year of learning about you and how to be the best mommy I can be for you. You are such a loving, sweet little girl. Your love of reading and music is a perfect mix of me and your dada. I am ecstatic that I get to share each and every day with you because every day I learn something new about you. I can't imagine any other place I'd rather be than by your side. Thank you for all that you are and all that you will become. Here's to many more birthdays, my precious baby bug!
I love you forever,