Wednesday, August 13, 2014

OMG! How can it be?

My baby girl is 6 months old!

This little sweetie is getting so so active! I'm pretty excited about seeing her personality shine through. Although, because she is such a mover and a shaker, she is losing her leg rolls - nooooooo!!! She is also sleeping from 8:00 pm - 5:00 am at night. I am secretly missing our nightly mom and daughter rendezvous, but I'm also very proud of my growing girl. The only constant is change, right?
{Miss E had 2 teeth show up in one day. I heard this is one of the MOST painful things we ever experience - we just don't remember. What a trooper! Aaaand look who's sitting up now! Get it, girl.}
"When I'm trying really hard to do something new I stick out my tongue. It's super cute, mom says. Sometimes I try to stand on my tippy toes, but I face plant. And other times......success!"